Sunday, March 7, 2010

the woman is amazing - cheers

wednesday ginny had her second chemo was a busy day with and othro appointment and uncertainty over whether or not her counts would be high enough for treatment.  the friday before her white count was at 600, on wednesday morning it has risen to 1300...although not 1500...the good doctor felt it was high enough to go forward...

when we arrived in the infusion center, the staff were waiting for ginny's first treatment there were several jokes about the benedryl and the fact that it hit her hard...much like an evening of at our second visit the girls presented ginny with a pseudo pomegranate martini complete with umbrella...throughout the day (we were there 6 hours) the drinks kept coming...

ginny has handled chemo beautifully...yes the hair has fallen out...yes there have been moments of hot and cold flashes...yes food isn't tasting great (tinny taste)...despite the yeses...she feels good...she is active and vibrant...taking it all in stride...there is a lot of talk at our house about spring...the garden...summer travel...a visit to see friends jocelyn and byron in sicily next fall...and more...lots more...


  1. And a little party in a few weeks...and we gotta get her to play some Scrabble maybe...and coffees at The Coffeehouse...and browsing books at bookstores...

    So much more!

  2. I love the martini idea! That was fabulous!

    Big Hug,
