Thursday, March 11, 2010

nose hairs

Nose Hairs

I think a lot about hair these days
Because I don’t have any.
Chemo did this.
My profile reminds me of Mahatma Gandhi .
God knows how many I’ve lost:
He said every one on my head was numbered.
Let’s look on the bright side:
I save a good hour every a.m.
                Shampooing, curling, spritzing….
I save on shampoos, conditioners, and gels,
                Also on electricity (hairdryer) and hot water.
No leg hairs either.
No armpit hairs.
Not even any old-lady bristles on my chinny-chin-chin.
Everything’s smooth as a baby’s bottom.
But, folks!  When the sun shines onto the parquet floor
                Around 4 o’clock
                And I see the dust motes floating in the air
                Or huddled together along the baseboard,
Here’s what I miss most:
My nose hairs!
Yes, those undernoticed, underappreciated sifters
That  God created to keep our lungs
From forming hairballs.
When is the last time you thanked God
For  them?
Let us pray.

-virginia claire-


  1. Just today Byron bought a nose hair trimmer which will, I anticipate, drastically cut down on my sunny-day dust mote enjoyment.

    Luckily, we have so few sunny days here that I've got a stockpile of other pastimes to amuse me. Like looking at his crazy eyebrows.

    You look beautiful, you know.

  2. This is my favorite post of all times! I just love nose hairs, too, and have always been thankful that I am blessed with an abundance of them.

    I hope that your birthday is extra special. I will be thinking of you and wondering if you are singing "All I want for my birthday is some new nose hairs."

    I love you!

  3. Rita! so glad you like my poem. There must be more where that came from. I'll look and see (up my nose - easier to read my thoughts now with the little dental miror. My nose has been sort of dripping. We know why! I love you! Virginia

  4. Ummmmm Ginny....Tammy glad I know about this site...but had a question about the hairloss and nose hair.....Radar doesn't want to share anymore??? He always has hair available!!! Your looking great girl!!! If I could get away with that look like you do, I would shave my head right now!!!
