Saturday, September 30, 2017

a long overdue update...

It has been months and months. I have done a lousy job of posting here. OY.

Let me back up a little and then give a current update.

In early June, Gin was feeling significant fatigue and as a team we decided to stop chemo for the summer months and give Gin a break. This was a unanimous decision that included support from her oncologist.

During this break Gin gained energy and the fatigue and daily naps lessened significantly. Felt good :). She got into her garden and we took a trip to Minnesota's North Shore for a week of writing, fishing and relaxation.

After about 6 weeks of break (late July) Gin started noticing some symptom changes.  Pain was increasing. We returned to Mayo and during that, now 7 week break, the tumor had grown. Gin decided to get back on chemo immediately and the Pain Team made adjustments to her pain pump. My Gin is determined to fight :). As a result, fatigue has returned and in the past weeks, concern over new symptoms has grown.

Yesterday we visited with Ginny's oncologist. She decided to go forward with her scheduled chemo treatment, not wanting to give up on it yet. At the same time, we need to take another look at what is going on.  So on October 13th, Gin will have a CT scan. Typically, the scan is limited to shots of her abdomen. On the 13th the scan will also include her chest. 

You may ask why we are waiting until the 13th.  The writer is going to spend this next week with one of our greatest loves in life, Kris Wee.  Kris returned to Minnesota this summer and Gin had a writing week already scheduled.  She feels she is able to get more done on the book when she is away from home. So Sunday I will take her to Stillwater.  This pleases me and I am jealous.  I can't imagine getting to spend 5 days with Kris Wee.  There is such love and grace there.

Okay, back to the stuff of life with cancer...
Gin continues to meet the daily challenges of her nephrostomy bag and her "systems" that are unpredictable with grace. She drives, makes coffee and lunch dates with friends,  attends her gentle yoga class and is working on her book. She moves heaven and earth to get to her Saturday meditation group and church.  She has also joined a music group that shares music each Sunday morning called the Congo Jam.

I am amazed at her resilience and her determination to live her life. She does this all with such courage and 97.5% of the time my beautiful wife is cheerful.  

Thank you for your ongoing love and support. We will meet with the Oncology Team on Oct 17th for results. I will make every effort to post an update here once we know more.  
