Saturday, March 21, 2015

Quite a Ride

Okay before you read, KNOW that we are home and Gin is amazingly well.

At three o'clock yesterday afternoon (Friday) Gin called from Rochester to say that she had completed her radiation and was in her car (she drove herself...grrrrr).  She was experiencing significant abdominal pain and was letting me know that she was going to go to friend Libby's house to sleep some and ride out the "episode".   We "discussed" my coming to get her and she won.

The ugly thing about all this is that there are a few major things that we/she doesn't have control who can blame the independent and determined Gin for wanting to take a little time and then finish the task of going and returning on her own from treatment.

At four she called back, "it's an obstruction, can you come and take me to the ER?".  The challenge was the 50 minute drive between us.  I instructed her to have Libby take her to the ER at St. Mary's and I would meet her there.

Quite frankly, obstructions scare me more than the Cancer.  Gin's innards are riddled with scar tissue.  A stubborn obstruction could result in life threatening surgery.

I arrived at the ER at 4:40 (oops) and Libby and Gin were in triage.  The ER "experience" began.
The ct scan was completed at 7:30, the results at 8:45 and the surgical consult at 9:40.


1) Ginny did not have a "true" obstruction BUT several sections of her bowel are super narrow due to her current and previous treatments and her system was stopped.

2) The stent that Ginny has had placed in her right ureter to keep the bastard tumor from interfering with her right kidney function was "clogged".


1) Monday (3/30) Gin is already scheduled to have a new stent put in.  Her kidney will be fine so we will solve that problem Monday morning.

2) The pseudo obstruction resulted in being admitted to St. Mary's, the insertion of an NG tube and contrast being introduced to her digestive system in an effort to get things moving.

The good news...all systems are a go!

The afterthoughts for Kir?  
On one hand, this "ride" is scary, unpredictable, frustrating and painful.  On the other it is full of grace, wonder, faith and in its own way beauty.  Yep I said beauty.  We had several tender moments  over the past 24 hours.

This battle - this living with cancer is ugly in so many ways but there is something more in it all.  Maybe it is because I have walked this road before with loved ones and am not afraid of journey.

The beauty of the past hours has been in Ginny, in her courage and her spirit.  It is in her resolve to make an imprint on everyone she encounters regardless of how miserable she feels.  It is in the reminiscing of moments shared and trips taken during the hours and hours of waiting.  And it is in the celebrating over horrible hospital coffee that we were headed for home later in the day.

Post Script:

Gin had several "suggestions" for staff about improvements they might consider.  The first and most concerning being the toilet that flushed for 15 seconds using GALLONS of water.  Her second suggestion was the placement of furniture and the "art".

In an effort to meet her desire to admire art hung outside her view I brought the art to her as we waited to be "set free".

Art Appreciation 101

I look at this "on our way home" selfie and shake my head.  I hate this roller coaster ride but with each rise and fall we love more, learn more, live more.


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  1. I so love that Virg had comments and suggestions for the hospital staff--that's how we know it's the real Gin! Watch out Culver's: she'll be filling out comment cards under multiple pseudonyms again in no time!

  2. Jocelyn - Gin wants you to know that her efforts at Culvers got her a free scoop of custard!

  3. Loving you two so much right now.
