Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Make a Wish Kir...

Spoiler Alert: GOOD NEWS!  

The ups and downs of the past 6 weeks makes for weary women.  I continue to be amazed at the strength and determination of my "ginnywyf'.  At 3:30 pm on Tuesday (3/24) Gin called to say that the radiation Docs were concerned about major edema in Gin's legs.

Before I go on, I need to remind you that Ginny had a new stent replaced Monday morning to open up her right ureter and get her kidney function back on track.

Okay back to the edema.  So Docs wanted to be sure the swelling was just fluid and not caused by a clot and clinic CT scans were backed up so they sent her to St. Mary's ER.  Yup - GROAN.  

Finally at 10:30 pm Gin finally had her scan and the ALL CLEAR - thank God.  After assessing the weather, we opted to stay in Roch for the night at got to our appointments this morning.

Okay here is the "make a wish"part.  This birthday girl is screaming WOO HOO from the rooftops.  SURPRISE - the BASTARD TUMOR is SHRINKING!  So much so that the radiation team had to recalibrate systems and develop a new radiation plan for Gin today.

6 more treatments and then we sit back and enjoy a SERIOUS radiation and chemo holiday.  This is the most hopeful news we have had throughout our 5 years of tackling this tumor.  There is surprise at the level of shrinkage and the team anticipates more.

So this exhausted and giddy birthday girl is walking in gratitude this afternoon.  Grateful for gin and her sheer will to WIN.  Grateful for a brilliant medical team.  Grateful for super pals for helping with transport, dog sitting and covering work hours lost.  Grateful for prayer and encouragement of the masses (that's you peeps).  Grateful-Grateful-Grateful.


Everyone is happy that we are home...