Saturday, May 8, 2010

time for an update

well it has been a few weeks since our last update...sorry for the delay.

we are working hard and holding our own.  ginny will have her 5th chemo treatment on may 12th.  at the oncology appointment on friday we learned that ginny's counts are low (neutrophils are below 500-and white blood cell count  at 1.5 and this puts her at greater risk for catching junk).  the neutrophil pictured here is NOT ginny's...i was feeling the need for a photo and for your blog reading enjoyment we have included a random neutrophil pic. ginny's   platelets are also low, the lowest they have ever been.  this explains the mild nose bleeds she has been having the past few days (no nose bleed pics) .  on the 12th she will have chemo as scheduled but they will lower the dose.  the doc explained that the chemo treatments are cumulative and that it is normal for the dosage to decrease as the treatments increase.  after her 6th treatment on june 2nd, ginny will have a pet scan to assess the cancer and its "state".  the hope is that the tumors are "dormant"...not giving of living vibes...(it is hard to explain but the pet can can see more than the ct scan...both identify the tumors but the pet has extra special super hero powers to see if the tumors are alive).

ginny has been gravitating to a plant based diet...eating healthy to fight the cancer...this healthy eating is resulting in weight loss...ARGHHHH says kirsten...we are working at some kind of compromise as this shrinking ginny needs to more cushion on her seat bones for the greater fight.  

i am only days away from the last events of the school year and am feeling relief about being about to see the end.  i have applied for a full time sociology faculty position at riverland community college...i have made the first cut and will be interviewing on may 18th.  i am really hopeful about this position.  it is an interesting time for me and work...there are several possibilities.

kirsten and ginny

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there gals! Your in my thoughts....I will gladly donate some of my padding to Ginny...I have so much extra....

