Wednesday, February 10, 2010

and we're off...

well chemo has begun...we started this morning at 9 am with four prep meds (one pill and three through iv)... it took about an hour to get to the BIG stuff...the chemo itself is administered in two parts...the first will take three is 500 ml of stuff that kills cells...the second drug will not take as long to administer and will keep the bad cells from regrouping (i am so not a doctor...but am doing my best to wrap my head around all of this)

the benedryl knocked ginny pretty first glance or first word one might think she had consumed a few of her famous martinis...

we have been reading, reading, reading...this has been helpful and many much advice...really a challenge...i feel like i want to know everything and yet too much knowing will be a problem i think...

as i write miss ginny is reading the trib...she brought stacks...she is behind and like a good dane carries great guilt about not keeping up...i will tell you that she is a bit of a flirt today...peeking over the paper and giving me "eyes"...i am so glad to have the time and the freedom to be with her today...

yesterday we had coffee with the"coffee gals"...what a gift...they came with scarves, hats and much love for ginny...we enjoyed our time very much...i am so blessed by this group of woman...truly truly truly...

will write again in the next days to update on the "impact" of the chemo...

kirsten  and sweet ginny too


  1. Wow.. you two make a great team. It is so nice to see especcially when life confronts you with these challenges. I am so glad at the support you two have and the time you have to help Ginny through this ugly thing.

    Hugs, Kristie

  2. so what are you saying? we're going to have a bald Ginny?


    love & hugs from NYC

  3. Let me know if there is anything at all that I can do or bring.
    I'm over here praying.

  4. Kirsten
    I will think of you and your dearest loved one while you go through the roller coaster of emotions and changes. I wish Ginny well...
    Take care

    Kate Martin Sunaert
