Saturday, December 5, 2009

all roads leading home...thank you rome

our final day in europe...the sun is shining...not a cloud in the sky... we board our bus and off we the coloseum, palatine hill and the forum...

the coloseum is amazing...i am truly taken with this place...

we stand in line with many...finally we are within the walls...

as we are walking through the coloseum ginny tells me of a book that she has read about the coloseum and its cats...we take a corner and voila...a cat...

i am impressed by the is hard to imagine the "goings on here"...and yet i feel like i can see the people...and hear the cheers and jeers...i am blown away by the structure...the genius in building in this time...

we head outside and into the square...i meet david...a super flirty gladiator...determined to make a few euros...he is charming and "what the heck"...every girl (even this one) should have her picture taken with a gladiator when opportunity presents itself...

we make our way to palatine hill...i should say that ginny is not feeling well...i am glad the sun is shining...i think that the sun encourages her on...she is fighting some kind of bug i think...what a trooper...onward nd upward...litterally...there are many stairs and steps on palatine hill....

we make our way down to the roman forum...we mark our spot... is hard to wrap the brain around crazy old....

this is the spot where ceasar was burned after his assasination...

there are many arches in rome...many many arches...

a quick look back at the forum...

we make our way our of the ruins and back into the city...our destination campo di fiore...a friend recommended the stop...i just can't get enough of the city...the streets...the squares...

the streets are full of interesting people...

we arrive in the the store fronts...the square is full of vendors today...

a quick stop at the mozzarella bar...

we catch our bus and head back to vatican city in hopes of seeing the sistine chapel...the sky over St. Peter's is very different today...

we enter the vatican museum...thinking that we will make a quick stop to see the chapel...we mark our spot...

there is nothing quick about this stop...the museum is layed out in a way that makes you walk through what seems like miles of hallway and "stuff"...we had our sights set on the chapel so the walk to find it seemed excessive and quite frankly we thought it would never end...i took a few shots along the way...

we finally arrived int he photos allowed...would love to share it with was SPECTACULAR...worth the walk...worth the wait...what an amazing work...

we left the mueseum...and started back...ginny is tired...very tired...we buy a couple of shirts for people along the way...we finally get to our bus and we ride...the bus deviates from the takes me a couple of stops to realize it...when i do...we ask and wouldn't you know it...a protest..a different one...this time it is a communist group protesting the italian prime minister...a massive protest at the stop nearest our hotel...we jump off the bus and start to eveing stroll around the coloseum and through the noisy and very busy streets of rome...

we are back at the sweet ginny is resting...we will leave the hotel at 6:30 am...we will be in flight a total of 13.5 hours tomorrow...hoping that the bug will run its course in the night...

we (ginny and i) will write our last blog in flight to be posted sunday evening when we return...what an ourstanding trip...thanks for coming along with us...

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