Saturday, January 7, 2017

Holiday Merriment and More


Ginny has declared that she has had many happy Christmases, but 2016 was indeed the MERRIEST.
This pleases her wyf (that's me).

We began our celebrating December 16th with Gal Pal Jocelyn P with an overnight in Minneapolis and a night of theatre.  We saw Fun Home, an award winning play that is based on a graphic novel that is a favorite.  We LOVED it.  We ate wonderful food (oysters and other amazing bites) and chatted up a storm.  We continued to collaborate on Ginny's current writing project - The Book of Lurch and Pal Joce and I fed our shoe and boot addictions with a visit to the Fluevog store.  What wonderful start to the season with two of my lovelies.

On December 21st our beloved Sue arrived.  Susie and I have been friends for over 20 years and Gin has grown to love her deeply over our years together.  Susie is a Kiwi (New Zealander) who has lived in the states all the years I have known her.  She spent the Holidays with us two years ago and is very much part of our family.

Brother Dan arrived next.  With the foursome complete we entered into blissful days of GREAT food, lazy mornings and puzzling.

Gifting was thoughtful and meaningful.  There were a couple of highlight gifts.  A piece of Byron Johnson art that I commissioned for Gin and a "pill jar" presented to Ginny from Susie.  This extra large mason jar was filled with color-coded slips of paper (medicine for the soul).  Some are poems and others are quirky facts, thought provoking questions and 3rd grade jokes.

Over the days we broke bread with close friends who stopped in for meals or morning coffee breaks.  Lots of love...lots of sweet memory building.  The Baltimore Larsens sent crab cakes from Pappas (Christmas Eve) and I dug into my family traditions and made roast beef and Yorkshire pudding for Christmas dinner.  Susie and I enjoyed days in the kitchen together.

On Chirstmas Eve, trooper ginny suited up in her cuddle duds and winter gear and we headed out for fun in the snow with the Susie the California Kiwi.  Great fun and that Gin was a great sport.

Spoiler alert...

This is the moment in this writing that the tone will change. I don't want to "spoil" the warm gushiness that is a merry season report, but I know you want to know how she is doing.  Feel free to stop here and re-read the merriment again if you like.  I would go back and get another dose before I moved forward.  Not because what is coming is horrible (although not very merry) but because when I read the first half of this post I smile and so if you have the time, rewind for another smile or two before moving forward.

The other stuff...

I hate (that's right hate) that there is another side of our story.  Gin and I have agreed that each post must include the LIFE being lived in these days before we give the other stuff.  So continue to bask in thought of a MERRY GINNY while you continue to read.  She insists that you all know she is cheerful! wyf.

Ginny is continuing to struggle with pain management and an increasing "pressure".  Her tumor is in her lower region pressing on a section of her lower bowel.  She is unable to sit comfortably.  She has become very attached to her donut cushions.  We found a model that she loves and that provides relief.  We have been meeting with medical teams to work on the pain management but with the increase in pressure we have asked the oncology team to up her next ct scan as we believe the increase in symptoms and pressure may be an indication that the chemo treatment is not working as we hoped.  We will travel to Mayo Jan 13th where she will have her scan and we will meet with Oncology, Pain and Palliative teams.  At this time I am supposed to tell you, again, that she is cheerful.

There continue to be challenges with her "systems".  Her urinary and "waste" systems are both significantly impacted.  Gin has declared that her dignity remains intact but her modesty is long gone.  "My body is not my own."  The loss of these controls has been difficult BUT, as is Ginny's way, she is always the optimist.  Just yesterday she listed all of the cancers that would be worse to have. "We have got to keep looking at the bright-side Kir."  My heart aches...

There will be more to share in the coming days.  Stay tuned and KNOW that we are grateful for the love and support of our peeps.

Bright-side people...bright-side.


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