Thursday, July 1, 2010

a duck? maybe not!

if it looks like a duck...walks like a duck...quacks like a must be a duck...

but wait...the doctor thinks it could be a platypus!
there was a twinge of anger this afternoon once i realized that the report from the local oncologist last thursday was, perhaps, premature...that is right...premature...

the spots in ginny's lungs may indeed be cancer...but there are two other explanations...the chemo may have caused a lung the next week gin will undergo additional testing to rule out tuberculosis and other pulmonary infections...a biopsy of the largest lesion will also be done to determine a presence of cancer or not... be proactive and to continue to treat the cancer she will begin hormone treatment (megase)...she will take 4 pills a ginny will get a chemo break!

ginny feels like she was given a death sentence last week and after today she feels like she has been given an appeal...i am holding my breath...these spots may very well be cancer...and they may not...

so ginny hopes...despite my fear...i hope....and we ask that you hope too...

ginny had the TB test today...results on wednesday (july 7th) she will travel back to rochester for the pulmonary tests and appointments with docs in the afternoon...our friend rita will go in my place...

i will be in california with my family...taking jayme and dustin to disney...this is a challenge for me as i feel like i need to be here but ginny is insisting that i go...

i will update you, as ginny updates me, this weekend and into next week...


  1. Yippeeee! Praise God & Hallelujah! I was praying for this as my friend's dad was recently misdiagnosed with lung cancer, then they thought it was TB but in the end it ended up being a simple infection so I knew that infection in the lungs could show on scans as tumors. I'll be doubling & tripling my prayers that all TB tests & biopsies are negative as well. Big hugs all around, love Deb & John

  2. I understand the anger but have to trust that everyone was doing his/her best--and that's why the doc sent you on to the specialist. I'm doing a slow exhale up here, thinking of all the germs V has been exposed to when her white counts were down and thinking infection makes hecka lot of sense. I hope. HOPE. That's what today is: hope. Praise our lovely Virg!

  3. This is Brigitte...
    My mom had what they thought was cancerous spots on her lung, also, and were planning on taking out a huge portion of her lung. They told her with absolute certainty that she had 5 months to live. When they went in to do the surgery, however, they tested one of the spots and NO CANCER. They were just scars from previous infections. So miracles DO happen. I'll keep you both in my thoughts.

  4. Thank you so much for the updates! Please keep us posted-thoughts and prayers!
