Wednesday, June 23, 2010


the results are in...there is some good news...the chemo has successfully shrunk the original tumors, one in her colon and the other her abdomen.  but this is cancer we are talking about and so today with the good came some bad...the not so good news is that the cancer has spun off on a mutant tangent, flipped the "F YOU" finger at the chemo and has landed in force in ginny's lungs.  there are several tumors.  the doctor smiled with kind eyes...and has decided to pass us back to dr. peethambaram at mayo in rochester.  we are waiting to hear about an appointment with her.  she is the doc that we started with and has been working with gin for years.

ginny has been exhibiting some symptoms in the past week or so that are explainable now...she has been quick to lose breath...and in the past days has developed a persistent cough...

we will be posting more regularly again, as this is a great way to keep you all in the loop...

sunday we will leave for iowa, for ginny's family reunion with her paternal cousins...hopefully we will get in to see dr. peethambaram mid to late week.

ginny wants me to make sure that i tell you that she feels fine (i would argue a little)...she has good energy...she is eating well...and she is in GOOD SPIRITS (no argument there).

we are loving each other with everything we've got these days and are so very thankful for the support of our family and friends....that's YOU!


  1. The photo made me laugh. I guess that is the only humorous thing about your post. Not much to say other than I am so glad that you have each other to lean on. As always, you two amazing women are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Och, but my eyes are swollen shut tonight.

    Despite that, I have enough sense in me to appreciate that Virginia is feeling the best she can--no cancer can invade her spirit.

  3. Prayers without ceasing.

